Old School, Low Tech OOH —High Priority Public Space

Barbie on the Bench

message for Lindmark INK

by Lynn TerlagaMunicipal Affairs, Creative Outdoor Advertising

There would be no Disneyland, or Walt Disney World if good ole Walt hadn’t taken a rest on a park bench. Legend has it that the bench is still on display at Disneyland. “It may have all started with a mouse, but Disneyland started with a bench.”

Okay, so maybe it was a park bench, but it was a bench, nonetheless. And I’m going with it.  What does that have to do with a bus bench? It’s this. Sometimes we need to sit and rest. Mayor John Bauters said it best after seeing his constituent leaning against a garbage can, waiting for the bus: “You don’t need to study whether or not people need to sit — especially people who are older, people who have mobility issues, people with children, people who’ve walked a long the way, or who are carrying things.” Benches can be a lifesaver for people who are tired, have mobility issues, or are carrying heavy objects.

A simple bus bench provides a courtesy, a luxury to some of us after a long day. A bench in any public space provides a place to rest, ponder life, watch the world go by, and a chance to connect with humanity beside us. In our fast-paced, cellphone-addicted lives, a bench is a random old-school, low-tech, slow-me-down-to-breath resting spot.

Message for Movia Media

Today we hear about the importance of “placemaking” in our cities and towns. Although something like a bench is just a small part of it, “Placemaking can empower communities to create a sense of belonging”.  It can foster communication and sociability. Benches can provide a space for people to meet new people and make connections. They can also be a place for people to relax and chat with friends and family. When people see each other sitting on benches, it can help to create a sense of connection and belonging. Providing us with something so much more than just a seat.

So the next time you’re out walking, stop and sit, and take a rest, I’m not saying you’ll discover the next Disneyland, but hey, you never know.

If you’re a municipality or transit authority interested in creating resting spots in your neighborhood, reach out. We have over 250 partnerships and can create one that works for you.

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Barbiebenchesbus benchesCreative Outdoor AdvertisingLindmark InkLynn TerlagaMovia MediaOOHOOH Newsletterplacemaking
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