Ode to the Bus Bench

A Celebration of Seats and Sanity


message for Lindmark Ink

by Lynn Terlaga, Municipal Affairs at COA – Partnering with municipalities and transit authorities to provide cost-free infrastructure.

Ode to the Bus Bench: A Celebration of Seats and Sanity

Ah, the bus stop. A microcosm of humanity, where patience (or lack thereof) is tested, schedules scrutinized, and the existential dread of “did I miss the bus?” looms large. But amidst the shuffle of feet and the symphony of honking horns, there exists a beacon of hope, a haven for weary legs – the bus bench.

Sure, some might scoff. “Benches? What a frivolous extravagance!” they might cry, their hearts as cold and hard as the concrete they stand upon. But to these naysayers, I say: pish posh! Let’s delve into the undeniable truth – bus benches are essential, not optional, like the oxygen that fuels our weary commutes.

Firstly, consider the ergonomics. Standing for extended periods is, quite frankly, a pain in the… well, you know. Studies by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons have shown that prolonged standing can lead to leg discomfort, backaches, and even varicose veins. Benches, on the other hand, offer a sweet escape from the tyranny of gravity, allowing weary travelers to rest their weary tushies and contemplate the deeper meaning of life (or, more realistically, plan their next Instagram post).

Secondly, think about inclusivity. Not everyone is a sprightly young thing who can tap their foot impatiently for an hour. The elderly, pregnant women, people with disabilities – all deserve a place to sit and wait with dignity. A 2019 report by the National Center on Disability and Journalism found that a lack of accessible seating at bus stops is a major barrier to public transit use for people with disabilities. Benches, my friends, are not just a convenience; they’re a bridge to a more equitable transportation system.

And lastly, let’s not forget mental well-being. Picture this: you’ve trudged through a torrential downpour, umbrella valiantly fighting a losing battle against the wind. You arrive at the bus stop, soaked to the bone and shivering like a chihuahua in a blizzard. And there, nestled amidst the puddles, is a glorious bench. Ah, the sweet relief! Suddenly, the world seems a little less hostile, a little more manageable. Benches, in their quiet way, offer a sense of comfort and security that can make all the difference So, the next time you see a bus stop devoid of this humble hero, raise your voice (or, at least, your eyebrows). Demand benches! Fight for the right to rest your weary bones and contemplate the existential absurdity of waiting for a bus that might be running late (again). Remember, a bench is not just a seat; it’s a symbol of our shared humanity, a testament to the fact that even in the concrete jungle, there’s still room for a little kindness, a little comfort, a little respite from the chaos. in a long, frustrating commute.

remember, a bench is not just a seat; it’s a symbol of our shared humanity, a testament to the fact that even in the concrete jungle, there’s still room for a little kindness, a little comfort, a little respite from the chaos.

And on that note, I leave you with this wise proverb:

“A bus stop without a bench is like a cup of tea without a biscuit – incomplete, unsatisfying, and frankly, a bit of a downer.”

– Me, a champion of the weary commuter and a staunch advocate for the underappreciated bus bench.

Now go forth and sit proudly!

P.S. If you’re feeling particularly inspired, consider volunteering with your local transit agency to advocate for more benches, or even organize a community bench-building project. Because in the end, a well-rested, comfortable rider is a happy rider, and a happy rider is a more likely rider. Let’s make our bus stops places of peace, not just places to pace.

Bonus fun fact: Did you know that the world’s longest bus bench is in Norway? It stretches a whopping 184 meters (603 feet) and can seat over 100 people! Talk about a party on the pavement!

Let’s keep the bench love alive!

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bus benchesLindmark InkLynn TerlagaOOH
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